
Find A Community Today

As a regional leader in senior living communities, RUI (Retirement Unlimited, Inc.) offers more than just a place to live—we provide a place to thrive. When you choose to join us, you’re not really moving away; you’re simply changing addresses, staying close to the neighborhoods you love, your doctor, favorite spots, and friends.

Our residents enjoy a host of signature programs, offering diverse dining menus, curated experiences, and the assistance they need, from daily support to health and wellness programs tailored for every lifestyle.

Call us today! We’d love to show you and your family everything our communities have to offer.

Virginia Communities

Bay Lake

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Paul Spring

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The Wellington at Lake Manassas

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Ashleigh at Lansdowne

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The Hidenwood

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The Barrington at Hioaks

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The Westmont at Short Pump

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Woodland Hills

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Pennsylvania Communities

Brandywine Dresher Estates

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Florida Communities

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Seascape At Naples

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Seaside at Fort Myers

  • 15800 Beachwalk Blvd, Ste 1001
  • Fort Myers FL, 33908
  • 239-349-3769
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(571) 520-8109
(571) 601-3049
(757) 500-0430
(267) 459-9636
(571) 427-0465
(571) 200-0794
(804) 336-3483
(757) 992-8846
(571) 520-8109
(804) 455-7799
(540) 583-3779