Rehab Recovery at RUI

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Comprehensive Support
to Make Life Easier

Embrace a compassionate level of support.

When a loved one has experienced an injury, illness, or disease that requires a lengthy recovery, we can help. At Retirement Unlimited, Incorporated, your loved one can receive the care they need in the comfort of a home-like environment.

Our team members understand what therapies are necessary for a successful recovery. Let us provide the support your loved one needs to live the fulfilling life they’ve earned and deserve.

How Rehabilitation Works

Our rehabilitation process begins with a thorough nursing evaluation to understand each individual’s unique needs. We personalize all our programs, tailoring our care to each resident. We provide a fully-furnished apartment to make you feel comfortable throughout your recovery stay.

We offer 30, 60, and 90-day options for those recovering from surgery or other health troubles. This form of care is currently available at The Barrington at Hioaks, The Wellington at Lake Manassas, and Woodland Hills, but can be arranged at any community upon request.

How Rehab Recovery Works

We provide a comfortable and accessible environment where you can recover at your own pace. Our all-inclusive rate encompasses a fully furnished apartment, a fully mobile, hospital-style bed, 3 chef-prepared meals a day with room delivery optional, engaging activities and outings, and personalized care and therapy services.

Speech Therapy

We provide support for swallowing, communication, and speech or language disorders.

Physical Therapy

We create a personalized plan that includes strength and stretching exercises, as well as proactive fall prevention training.

Occupational Therapy

We develop individual plans to support fine and gross motor coordination as well as daily living activities.

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