Taste of RUI

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Redefining the Art of Dining in Our Communities

Taste of RUI invites you to a world where every meal is something to cherish. Our award-winning culinary program, available in each community, appeals to all 5 senses, transforming everyday eating into a dining experience.

Taste of RUI’s Core Values, an acronym for T.A.S.T.E., continually drives our team members to deliver a memorable experience to our residents and guests.


Each Taste of RUI team member brings talent to the table.


You eat with your eyes first, so we plate each meal with an artist’s eye.


Dining is “seasoned” at every level, from our experienced team to the flavors we infuse in every dish.


We deliver an elegant, resident-focused experience in a warm, inviting setting.


Connect with friends and invite family—every meal is better when we’re together.

Be part of our vibrant community where food brings everyone together, offering both exceptional dining and catering services.

What Is
Taste of RUI?

Taste of RUI is more than just dining. It’s a culinary experience that redefines the art of fine dining within our communities. 

With restaurant-style settings and an array of innovative programs, we aim to create a sensory feast for our residents and guests.

It’s a Difference You Can Taste

Taste of RUI offers numerous advantages that enhance the dining experience for residents and their families.

Variety & Quality

Enjoy a wide selection of expertly curated dishes that cater to diverse palates and dietary needs.

Community Engagement

Join in a lively community where mealtime becomes an opportunity for connection and entertainment.

Bar + Bistro

From tableside wine and beer to a delicious seasonal mocktail, our bar and bistro area offers an array of specialty beverages that are sure to impress.

Redefine Dining with RUI

Ready to elevate your dining experience? Visit our website or contact us for more information about our communities.

Discover how Taste of RUI can transform every meal into a special occasion for you and your loved ones.

Hear What People Are Saying

Experiences Tailored to You

Let us help you continue the life you love with our host of RUI Signature Programs.

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